Fast-track your medical administrative assistant certification

Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)

Earning your CMAA credentials will help you:

Fulfill employer requirements

75% of employers require or encourage certification for medical administrative assistants.

Access better career opportunities

30% of employers believe that medical administrative assistants have more responsibility in 2020, compared to 2019.

Maximize earning potential

A medical administrative assistant’s salary ranges from $25,390–$51,890, according to the BLS in 2019.

Enhance knowledge and skills

Professionalism and dependability are the most important soft skills employers are looking for, when hiring a medical administrative assistant.

Certified medical administrative assistants make a difference every day

Medical administrative assistants (also called medical office assistants or medical secretaries) are critical in keeping healthcare offices running smoothly, and also play an important role in the patient experience. Tasks vary by setting, but may include:

  • Reviewing and answering practice correspondence
  • Operating computer systems to accomplish office tasks
  • Answering calls and scheduling appointments
  • Greeting patients and updating electronic medical records
  • Updating and maintaining patient and other practice-specific information
  • Coordinating operation reports such as time and attendance
  • Operating office software and equipment

75% of employers require or encourage certification for medical administrative assistants. (Source: 2020 Industry Outlook)

Fast-track your career journey


4 steps to a medical administrative assistant certification

Ready to get your certification?